نحن جزء من مجموعة عالمية من المدارس

شراكة المدارس الدولية (“iSP”)

We are proud to be part of International Schools Partnership (خدمة إنترنت), a global community of 80+ عبر المدارس 22 countries with a shared purpose of growing the world’s most curious, confident minds.

We champion a transformative approach to learning that goes beyond the classroom.

The iSP difference for students

Academic Achievement

Every iSP student receives a personalised learning experience to develop their knowledge, skills and understanding so they can get continuously better.

Skills for life

Our students learn the essential life skills that equip them to thrive not only in their academic journeys but also in their future careers and personal lives.


Our students develop proficiency in at least one world language, while continuing to be supported in their home or first languages.

International Opportunities

Through our international co-curricular activities, students nurture lifelong skills such as critical thinking, العمل بروح الفريق الواحد, and leadership, preparing them to excel.

Life And Career Pathways

Our bespoke university and careers-related programme helps students to make informed choices about their future.

The iSP difference for schools

The iSP way of learning means our schools are always improving what they do.

The Learning Improvement Process (LIP)

ال LIP is our unique evidence-based framework that guides every school to self-evaluate and improve. It is powerful because it’s built into everything we do.

Our schools use this unique evidence-based framework to assess their impact on students’ learning. Is the learning atmosphere inspiring students to learn? Is the improvement planning transparent and collaborative?

With insight on nine learning criteria, each school can take action to improve both student and professional learning.

We designed the LIP based on our Learning and Innovation team’s extensive educational experience and in-depth research on school leadership and improvement. By supporting every school and learner to continuously get better, our whole community thrives.

The iSP difference for educators

Teacher professional development

Teachers are the number one factor affecting student learning.

When our teachers are at their best, our students perform at their best.

We want our colleagues to feel confident, valued and supported to continuously improve. That is why we invest time, support and resources in upskilling iSP people. All iSP teachers and school leaders have access to extensive accredited training and professional development opportunities. It means our teachers are always following best practices.

iSP professional development includes:

  • Continuing Professional Development (التطوير المهني المستمر) accredited leadership programmes.
  • على 80 courses available for everyone in our community on our online learning platform, The Learning Hub.
  • Growth and development opportunities such as mentoring, coaching, and mobility routes between iSP schools and regions.
  • Volunteering with of our charity partners, like Street Child United.
"نريد لجميع أطفالنا وطلابنا أن يحققوا كل ما يمكنهم تحقيقه خلال فترة وجودهم في المدرسة. إن نهجنا الفريد الذي يركز على التعلم يساعدنا على ضمان تحقيق ذلك ".
ستيف براون
ستيف براون
الرئيس التنفيذي للمجموعة, ISP
"مثل جميع مدارس ISP حول العالم, هنا في مدرسة هاميلتون الدولية ، نريد مستويات التعلم التي يصل إليها طلابنا لتدهشهم حقًا وآبائهم. هذا هو الغرض من مدرستنا. بكل بساطة, نقيس نجاحنا بنجاح طلابنا ".
إميلي بورتر
إميلي بورتر
vc_custom_1648459586894, ISP
"إن شراكة المدارس الدولية هي فريق متوازن جيدًا من التربويين والعاملين التجاريين الذين يفهمون أهمية الحفاظ على المعايير التعليمية وبناءها عبر مجموعة من المدارس في حين يقدمون أيضًا أفكارًا مبتكرة لمواكبة المتطلبات المتغيرة للمشهد التعليمي. "
بهارات مانسوخاني
بهارات مانسوخاني
vc_custom_1648459586894 & أوروبا, ISP

لمزيد من المعلومات حول فوائد شراكة المدارس الدولية, رجاء انقر هنا.

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