International Student Day is a truly international community event at Hamilton. We are very proud to be a school that has over 90 different nationalities of people within our community, and it is on this day that we all come together, to celebrate each other’s culture and tradition. This year we hosted the event on the International Day of Education, sharing the belief that education is considered a major goal of the Sustainable Development Goals set by the UN and strongly supported by Qatar.
Throughout the day, the whole school participates in several international community activities, with everyone dressed up in their country’s traditional clothing colors for the day. They international parade, with each country walking to their national anthem and being supported and cheered on as they do so, was a highlight of the event. It is always great to see the proud faces of the students, طاقم عمل, and parents as they come together in solidarity.
The International Stalls, led by our supportive parents, are amazing. The activities, tasks, and food are outstanding, and the parents are honored to offer their homemade cooking to everyone; we all feel that we have tasted the essence of their country through this food. The Primary International buffet and work they undertake to learn more about specific countries, coupled with the Secondary school music performance, global walk, and quiz, enable the day also to reflect the age and interests of all our students.
“نحن نقدر ونشكر كل عضو في مجتمع هاميلتون لدينا على اجتماعهم معًا للاحتفال بيوم الطالب الدولي. إنها طريقة رائعة للاعتراف بما هو دولي, مجتمع شامل نحن. من الطعام والعلم إلى الأناشيد والأنشطة – إنه يوم آبائنا, طاقم عمل, وسوف يتذكر الطالب”. السيد. رينالدي – رئيس الابتدائية.
“يوم الطالب الدولي يعني أننا جميعًا نجتمع معًا كمجتمع, التعرف على ثقافات جديدة, تذوق طعام جديد, والتعرف على كل نوع من البلدان”. – الأبوين.
“We can experience a little bit from each country and what they have to offer, and it’s so nice to learn about different countries and different cultures around the world”. – الأبوين.
“We get to see so many different nationalities and really celebrate the day as a family.” – Student.