وضع التعلم في المقدمة!
أجلس هنا في غرفة صفي بمفردي بينما أستعد لتعلم الغد, أتساءل ما الذي يحدث في العالم. لم أتوقع أن ينتهي بي العام الأول في التدريس الدولي معي للتدريس في فصل دراسي فارغ. Being thousands of miles away from my family has made me shed a few tears but missing all my Little KG1’s breaks my heart even more. I now long to see (virtually) the smiling faces that are eagerly waiting to learn something amazing that day.
This is certainly the most eventful year in my teaching career! I am always developing myself as a teacher and Distance Learning has taught me to grow more creatively, be adaptable and IT literate. I have been creating daily videos and resources for the wide range of abilities in my class, so that I can continue to support their amazing learning when I’m not physically present.
I cannot commend enough, the efforts of most of the parents as they have been incredibly supportive with Distance Learning. Inevitably, as with all schools, at times it has been frustrating as some families opt not to engage in the distance learning and I can’t help to worry about their little learners’ progress.
Reflecting on the first day of school I have almost forgotten the vast learning journey my confident, independent, empathetic and incredible students have travelled. Together we have learned to work collaboratively, to show resilience in times of adversity and to have respect for those in our community. My KG1s have become thoughtful, helpful and honest members of our school community and I know that during their distance learning their progress will be different.
For me personally, I would want nothing more than to wake up tomorrow, arrive to the classroom and get ready to welcome my students with open arms. In the meantime, lets maintain our positive outlook and work through this together, putting learning at the forefront. Afterall teaching is not just a job, it is a lifelong vocation. Me, along with my fellow teachers around the world, are responsible of teaching the future generation of leaders, and it is not something we take lightly. Let’s create the best generation society has seen!
نيامه كونكايتيس
Class Teacher